How the West was Lost

From The Consultant, @Civilian1A

How 20k Haitians Stormed Ohio to Take Jobs that Were Never Advertised

***Receipts at end of thread***

The Haitian Invasion of Ohio has created a lot of buzz. There are a lot of unexplained aspects of it that people find odd. One of these strange happenings is that locals…

reported that the jobs the Haitians came for were never advertised to the local population. So how did the Haitians find out about them?

It turns out that a network of federal grant recipient organizations have quietly seized control of nearly the entire job market in the US…

and work to ensure that openings remain “hidden” so that refugee’s can take them ahead of American citizens. How many job openings remain hidden? The internal estimates of this network put the number of hidden openings at 80% of all available jobs.


The way that this network has seized control of the labor market of the United States is easy enough to understand. Firstly, it has positioned itself as a way to remove recruiting costs for employers. Next, it offers employers laborers who can work for lower wages by also…

providing it’s “refugees” with a plethora of social welfare not available to a typical American worker. Finally, it can provide access to the entire global labor market by setting the conditions of “refugee” status to efectively cover anyone in the world.

If an employer needs nurses, janitors, programmers, police or literally any kind of worker the network can provide them to employers at a lower rate of pay than what an American citizen would require due to not having access to the same welfare benefits.

These globally sourced scab workers don’t require health insurance and have all living expenses subsidized by federal programs. If the typical American had all their health, food, and housing costs covered they would also be able to work for a fraction of their existing wages.

Instead, they cover the cost of these global laborers by paying much much more for food, housing, and healthcare. Is this sustainable? If the trend of authoritarian communism continues to win, yes. If 80% of work opportunities are already exclusive to connected networks…

most of the public will soon have no choice but to work directly for government. The military recruiting crisis will be resolved by simply continuing to deny access to employment and driving up the cost of living for citizens.


Switchboard (resettlement network technical assisstance) report:

“The project is 100% financed by federal funds.”…

Switchboard is the hub that provides perfect insight into the plan. It is blunt and plainly states it’s mission to outcompete American labor through networking with all employers to fill positions with “refugees” in as cut-throat a manner as possible.

The plan is simple and cruel – don’t even let Americans see a job opening, apprenticeship application, or social program and instead fill every possible opening with global labor being subsidized with every possible form of social welfare.

Switchboard has to be blunt because it provides technical direction to every organization in the network. Read the report. Note the explicit acknowledgement that the economy is bad and competition for work is expected to be fierce for a long time.

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